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2015-06-25 13:16:45.0

Guide for newbies in Tidal Trek


Here I will introduce a quite important feature in Tidal Trek, Tavern,  where you can recruit captains as partner to help you in your adventure. There are 4 quality grades of captains, green, blue, purple and orange, green captain is easiest to recruit but it is also the weakest, only 2 skills available and low potential, blue captain is better than green quality and purple quality is better than blue, but the highest quality is orange quality captain, you can get more details in the captain handbook, there you can find the potential of captain and check the skill description.

Tavern will unlock at Lvl.7, in tavern you can buy different wines to attract captain join your fleet, there are 3 kinds of wines you can buy, Rum, Brandy and Whisky, Rum is free to use and can be achieved in game, but with it you can only get green and blue quality captain, Brandy costs 10 diamonds and have a chance to get purple captains, Whisky is the most expensive which costs 200 diamonds, but with it you can definitely get an orange quality, the best quality captain, consider the powerful partner you will get, the price is reasonable.




After introduced hero recruitment, next step is build a powerful ship in , it is quite helpful for you to take adventure on the ocean. The icon is in the right bottom of game, click the shipyard, here you can forge new ship or upgrade your owned ship to a higher tier.

You can check materials needed for upgrade in this panel, once you collected all materials, click build to bring you more power!



Forge, is a key feature in Tidal Trek. You can stack more power through this system, currently there are 3 methods in forge, the first one is enhancement:

The second feature is merge, after you reach higher level, you can upgrade your old equipments to higher tier, the third one is refinement, cost red refine stones to dig bonus attributes for your equipments!



Guide for newbies in Tidal Trek


接下來我要介紹一個海戰OL中很重要的一項功能,酒館  在這裡你可以招募到船長們來加入你的隊伍來輔佐你進行冒險,船長們的品質分為綠色,藍色,紫色和橙色,綠色品質的船長是最容易招募到的但同時也是最弱的,只有兩個技能而且成長潛力也很低,藍色品質的船長要比綠色的強,而紫色的又要比藍色的強,橙色是最高品質,你可以閱讀船長手冊來瞭解更多的細節,當然上面還有他們的成長值以及技能描述。

酒館會在角色升到7級以後解鎖,你可以請船長們喝酒來邀請他們加入你的隊伍,酒館裡面有三種酒出售,朗姆酒,白蘭地和威士卡。朗姆酒是免費的而且可以在遊戲過程中獲得,但是用它你只能招募到藍色和綠色的船長,白蘭地要花10鑽,不過物有所值,你用它可能會招募到紫色的船長。 最貴的威士卡要花200鑽,雖然有點貴,不過只要有了它,你可以百分之百地招募到一位強力的橙色品質的船長,考慮到一個強力夥伴對隊伍的提升,這錢花的還是很合算的。


在介紹完酒館以後,我們再來看看船塢: , 如果你的征途是星辰大海,那麼你就一定要好好利用這裡,你可以在右下角找到這個圖示,點擊進去,你就可以在這裡合成你的新船或者是把你現有的船升級到一個更高的等級。 在這個介面,你可以查看升級船隻所需要的材料,一旦材料準備完成,萬事俱備,只要點擊按鈕,就可以乘著東風讓你的戰力突飛猛進了!






